08 8633 2203 manager@portfc.com.au

Bulldog Bytes

Hello Bulldogs, Philip here with some information about some changes to how you will be able to interact with the Port Football Club in the future.

First I am building a new website, so that is why there has been no change to the old one. It should be up and running soon (if not by the time you are reading this) and will be a more modern site that you will be able to see better on your phone. We will include current club news and events, match reports, teams, etc

The plan is for the old Port web site to be moved to a button on the new site for the moment however it is my dream to extract all the data and combine it with all other historical data we have and build a real, searchable database of Port Football Club History, but this is a later project.

Football Club Membership is also to undergo some changes to help us communicate with you and attached to this newsletter is a form to renew and update your Membership Details. We are asking you to provide 3 new pieces of information: an email address, a mobile phone number and your date of birth (you can lie if you want). You are quite free to withhold this information if you choose and we will still post out The Bark to anyone who prefers to receive it via mail. 

We are doing this to move The Bark to an emailed newsletter so that we can get more of them to you and to save the club a bundle on postage (have you seen the price of stamps these days), printing and the time it takes to put them all in the envelopes etc, and in the future we would also like to run a loyalty/rewards program for all members.

You can only renew your membership at the club so you should cal in on Thursday, Friday (grab some dinner) or after the game, around 7pm, for a membership draw to renew it and update your details with us. If you are a current financial member but would like to update your details you can bring a form in to the club at any time OR click this link  https://goo.gl/forms/JJuBd9GoisXMEjez1  (or type it into your internet browser) and you will be taken to an online form where you can update your details without coming to the club.

We are working on improving the Wifi at the Port Club and grounds by getting a faster NBN connection and installing a wireless network that will cover most of the grounds. This will mean that we will probably have to put a password on the free Port_Public Wifi and change it regularly. When this happens we will let everyone know and we will post the current password behind the bar in a prominent place, so you will have to at least come into the club to get it. This will help reduce the amount of internet freeloaders that hang around outside on occasion.

With all this new web based content for everyone comes the task of collecting, curating and uploading the information as it comes to hand, especially during the season. So maybe we can create a new type of Port volunteer – the Social/Web Team. There will be lots to do including photography, digital image manipulation, web and social network posting, video and editing so if anyone would like to help please get in touch at itsupport@portfc.com.au I am happy to train anyone who is interested and keen

That’s enough for now I think.

Go The Dogs

Download Membership/Change of Details Form